WiSys Technologies

3 WiSys Technologies in "Engines & Power Electronics" or "Food & Supplements" or "Materials & Chemicals" or "Miscellaneous" and "UW-River Falls"

Ginger-Coagulated Dairy Product

WiSys is currently seeking a strategic partner in the food industry that is interested in co-development opportunities that would ultimately provide a route to market for commercialization of this novel dairy product.

Saddle Lift to Enhance Independence of Horseback Riders with Disabilities

WiSys Technology Foundation is seeking a strategic partner for manufacturing, marketing, sales, and distribution of this unique system.

Skin Whitening Agent(s)

WiSys Technology Foundation is currently seeking a strategic industry partner to assist in the further development of its lead compound, A11, and related analogues providing a route to market for their use as novel skin whitening/lightening agents.The competitive advantage of these compounds over existing agents on the market is that they produce long-acting and reversible skin lightening with no toxicity.